8 Twitter tips for authentic law firm internet marketing

If you don’t use Twitter and social media in general for fear of privacy issues you are living in the past. Search Twitter and SocialMention for law firms and practice areas and you will find a lot of attorneys spreading content. This will help bring you up to speed on what others are doing.
With 200 million people on Twitter following breaking news and commentary on just about everything, your lack of presence will hurt you. Journalist and bloggers are heavy Twitter users and you just may seem out of touch if you don’t get onboard and you could also miss some great PR opportunities.
It seems like twitter tags are all over TV these days, especially on sports or entertainment shows. Legal conference attendees also stay connected via Twitter. Having a Twitter presence should be part of you comprehensive law firm internet marketing strategy.
Below are seven tips that law firms can start using today on their Twitter accounts:
1.) “Give and you shall receive”
It’s fairly typical that most law firm Twitter accounts only have posts of their blog posts content. Interacting with the community (at least a little bit at first) and doing things like responding to people, answering questions, replying to their tweets and starting discussions will bring you a lot more referral traffic and Retweets than just content sharing alone. As with any social media, listen first, be yourself and valuable share information if you want to get the most out of it. You can share links to other people’s content, original content and even mix in some personal stuff to keep in real. Balance is the key.
2.) Use the personal Twitter accounts of your experts to strengthen your brand
People buy from those they know like and trust. In today’s world, how many Twitter followers you have, the content you share on your blog, how many email subscribers and your Google Plus AuthorRank all play a role in how trusted you are in your niche practice area/s.
Showing who you are in your Twitter bio description is a powerful thing to help gain visitors trust. This is a form of transparent marketing, and more and more businesses are practicing it for a reason. Get together with your key attorneys and decide who will be the “face” of which practice areas and set up Twitter accounts (in addition to a main one for your firm) for each person. If they are not comfortable managing it themselves it makes sense to hire someone to schedule approved tweets. The important thing is that there is some personality to it and not just boring marketing from the firm. Feel free to take the safe approach and hide behind a stiff corporate Twitter account if you want to get nothing out of it!
3.) Utilize authorship markup for Your Law Firm
Twitter is one of the few social networks that utilize the authorship markup rel=”me”. Linking your law firm’s website to Twitter using rel=”me” can help it in search results. The same markup is also utilized in Google+’s Author Rank to build trust and authority around individuals not companies.
4.) Make your own hashtag
It’s becoming a popular strategy of brands to create their own hashtag. For example if you’re a DUI lawyer you can create your own hashtag such as “#nevertakeabreathalyzer”. People will not blindly just follow a hashtag if it’s just your brand name, but by making it into a cause people can get behind, you will get a lot more people using it. You can then promote your hashtag using Twitter’s ad system.
Screenshot of a trending hashtag (DUI)
5.) Don’t just follow everyone
It’s a big mistake for law firms to just go ahead and follow everyone, or following too many celebrities that will not follow you back. Instead following the people who are Retweeting and favoriting other law firm’s tweets should be the people who you want following you. Try following them first.
6.) Do not connect to Facebook or LinkedIn!
The social norms of Facebook and LinkedIn vs. Twitter are completely different. Doing a status update every hour which woud be fine for Twitter woud be very annoying on Facebook and LinkedIn. It would agitate users and cause them to unlike/unfriend your page/profile. Try to only do 1-4 messages daily on Facebook whereas every hour is fine on Twitter.
7.) Tweet regularly but don’t force it
You should be tweeting several times a day while your target demographic is awake to get the most referral traffic to your blog. Hubspot data suggests that tweets will get more visibility towards the end of the week and on the weekends so you will have to experiment with frequency and timing. Tweet often but don’t Tweet when you have nothing worth sharing.
8.) Network on Twitter
Network with people you meet on Twitter and establish yourself as an expert. Potential clients, other lawyers to build a referral network with and connecting with journalists/bloggers is a good enough reason alone to use Twitter.
Utilizing these eight tips on your law firms Twitter account/s will get your site more referral traffic and likely more conversions as well.
Twitter can be valuable in order to your practice can be considering that the The idea gives an individual an opportunity to help simultaneously communicate within The majority of people in once. Ones normal messages on Twitter are public, and also anybody whom follows You will look at your current particulars a person post on Twitter. In fact, they will probably consider It specifics and also share the item with most of its followers via “re-tweeting” your own messages. In additional words, Twitter can be an amazing approach to network with many of these you simultaneously. Whether or not the Tweets demonstrate your current knowledge as well as competence to be a professional as well as a participant at the industries a person represent, The idea Should always be simple and easy to be able to see how The idea makes it possible to market the legal services.